A Modern Software At Your Service

WineIdea™ Software is used to control, monitor, and manage every aspect of your wine business, from staff and sales reporting to the Wine Card operations.

The use of our wine-card activated systems coupled with the wine software is a powerful tool to track your wine selection and market your wines. Whether used in self-serve mode or for staff monitoring & sales reporting, WineIdea™ allows you to maximize your Wineemotion system’s full potential. Increase sales with more data.

Wine information cards are provided in various configurations and quantities with customization options. Each card is security-coded for your business, ready to be programmed in seconds.


Three versions of the Wine Idea™ software are available. Whether you have a single location or are planning nation-wide, multi-store wine preservation system installations, we will advise you of the options and help you select the most suitable and cost-effective solution.



Designed for small and medium installations, this professional client-server wine software (a single Shop can be activated) permits the connection of no more than 2 positions (one of which acts as server) for managing a maximum number of dispensers, which depends on the power of the PC available, and for managing the cards and operations associated with wine tasting.

One or more computers are required with Windows. “WineIDEA” POS Ready also has a MYSQL database which holds all the information on the management of the wines. There is also a useful integrated system backup function and an update download facility.



Designed for medium to large installations, this professional client-server wine card software (a single shop can be activated) permits the connection of an unlimited number of positions and a dedicated server, included in supply or installed directly on the client’s server platform, for managing a maximum number of dispensers which depends on the power of the server available, and for managing the cards and operations associated with wine tasting.

One or more computers are required with Windows. “WineIDEA” POS Ready also has a MYSQL database which holds all the information on the management of the wines. There is also a useful integrated system backup function and an update download facility.


Professional wine software for intensive use and for big installations; this professional client-server software allows the activation of various shops and the connection of an unlimited number of positions and a dedicated server, included in supply or installed directly on the client’s server platform, for managing a maximum number of dispensers which depends on the power of the server available, and for managing the cards and operations associated with wine tasting. 

One or more computers are required with Windows. “WineIDEA” POS Ready also has a MYSQL database that holds all the information on the management of the wines. There is also a useful integrated system backup function and an update download facility.


As with everything these days, connecting various systems can be complex however our team makes it easy for you to get it right, the first time! We operate a hands-on, white-glove service for every customer to be sure everything is prepared ahead of the installation of your new dispensing machines. Click here for POS Integration options..  


WineIdeaTM Ready
WineIdeaTM Revolution


Windows PC (Desktop/laptop) or
Tablet (min. 4GB RAM)


Windows 10


A LAN data network for connection between the dispensers and the PC operating the software.