(407) 420-8006
Order Confirmation
To confirm your order, please sign and return a copy of this estimate to accounting@wineemotionusa.com along with a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total order amount. Your order will only be processed once we have received both the signed estimate and the deposit payment. Please ensure all details are correct before confirming your order.
Cancellation Policy
- Within 24 Hours: Orders may be cancelled within 24 hours of receipt of the deposit payment for a full refund. To cancel your order within this period, please contact us immediately at accounting@wineemotionusa.com or call our customer service line.
- After 24 Hours: If you wish to cancel your order after 24 hours of making the deposit payment, please note that the deposit is non-refundable. Once this period has passed, the production of your order will begin, and the associated costs cannot be recovered.
Additional Policies
- Non-Refundable Payments: All deposit payments made towards confirming your order are non-refundable after the 24-hour cancellation window. This policy is in place due to the customized nature of our products and the costs associated with their production.
- Changes to Orders: If you need to make changes to your order, please contact us as soon as possible. While we strive to accommodate your requests, changes cannot be guaranteed once production has begun.
- Final Payment: The remaining balance of the order amount is due before the shipment of your order. You will receive an invoice for the final payment once production is complete.
- Shipping and Delivery: Once your order is confirmed, you will receive an estimated shipping date. We will make every effort to ensure timely delivery, but please note that shipping times may vary based on production schedules and availability.
- Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding your order, please reach out to us at accounting@wineemotionusa.com or call our customer service line during business hours.
We appreciate your business and look forward to providing you with our premium WineEmotion systems. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with our order policies.